Jan Freuchen, Jonas Høgli Major, Sigurd Tenningen

Oslo Collected Works OSV. has set up its own sculpture pavilion at Økern, and in the course of the spring and autumn 2019 sculptures taken from public art collections, including the Oslo City Council art collection was placed in the pavilion. The exhibition will gradually grow as sculptures with other shared features are set up in the pavilion. On 26th September 2020 at 2 pm a new set of elements will launch at the pavilion.


Jan Freuchen (1979, Norway) is a visual artist who works with sculpture, collage, publications and curatorial projects. In 2006, he founded the artist book publishing company, Lord Jim Publishing, which he now runs from his hometown, Kristiansand, Norway.

Jonas Høgli Major (1983, Norway) is an architect based in Arendal. Recent works include a series of installations for the exhibition Game of Life IV: Prospektkabinettet at Kristiansand Kunsthall (2019), where he contributed four largescale installations.

Sigurd Tenningen (1982, Norway) is an author based in Kristiansand. Among recent publications is the essay collection, Vegetasjonens triumf er total (The Triumph of Vegetation is Total, 2015). Together, Freuchen and Tenningen are co-curators and co-editors of the publication and exhibition series, Game of Life at Kristiansand Kunsthall (2012–2020).


For the first edition of OSV.,
Freuchen, Major and Tenningen made two booklets.
#3: Zoology is a visual field guide to the exhibition, while
#1: Collection is a written account of the collection as a concept.

To flip through all the projects pamphlets up until the most recent publication "Horizontal Monolith" (2020), click here.